This Opportunity Is for Real! Re-Orient My Life NOW.
When I have taken the time to reflect on The Four Thoughts, they can indeed help to re-orient one’s focus and priorities in life! Being preoccupied with trivial matters begins to drop by the wayside. A new and sharper perspective on life emerges.
The Four Thoughts (or Reminders) are:
(1) This precious human rebirth
(2) Impermanence and death
(3) Action, cause and result
(4) The shortcomings of samsara
Contemplating the Four Reminders, can greatly help in truly taking them to heart. I am realising that the time has come to be earnest about them — the opportunity that I have is for real. This is not just an intellectual pursuit. The stakes are extremely high. If I do not make the most of my profound and unbelievable opportunity now, will I ever receive such a beautiful chance like this in the future? I am also deeply sobered that so much of my life has already passed for me (I am now in my seventies) — and much of it was spent in meaningless activity, compared to what I deeply understand now.
(Alexander Peck, August 19-20, 2021)
Four Thoughts about Life
The following reflections were written in order to share them — with acquaintances and friends, only when an opportunity clearly presented itself.
Here are four thoughts or reflections that may make your life more meaningful:
(1) Cherish the preciousness of life and appreciate deeply the freedoms and opportunities that you have to pursue your dreams and goals. Make the most of your life in developing yourself and in serving others. When sickness, disability, or old age arrive, we no longer have the same freedoms.
(2) Realize that all things are impermanent and know that death, too, is certain (although the exact timing remains uncertain). Learn to accept whatever happens in your life with an open heart and mind – and turn setbacks into stepping-stones for future successes. Because life is impermanent, all sorts of changes will happen for each of us – some good, others difficult and/or painful.
(3) Understand that the results of our actions are, sooner or later, certain and unfailing – and that the quality of our own life is fully determined by the quality of our behaviour in thoughts, words, and deeds.
(4) Recognize that our clinging to this world as the source and hope for our safety, happiness, and satisfaction is ultimately fruitless and futile. When our time comes, each of us will have to leave this world alone – no one can stay here for good.
In a quiet, peaceful setting, take time to deeply think about each idea. Let each thought move from just an intellectual understanding down into the heart level. And so, allow the four thoughts to begin to change or transform the way you view life.
Meditation: Ponder deeply each of these four thoughts, one at a time, and then after each one, let the mind rest.
(Alexander Peck, August 29, 2021)
Reflecting on The Four Thoughts, Not Eight World Concerns
I am realising that the Four Thoughts (Four Reminders) need to be pervasive in my mind, as much as reasonably possible — rather than to be continually preoccupied with the Eight Worldly Concerns!
The Four Reminders:
(1) My precious human rebirth
(2) Impermanence and death
(3) The unfailing law of karma (cause and effect)
(4) The suffering of samsara
The Eight Worldly Concerns:
(1) Gain and loss
(2) Pleasure and pain
(3) Fame and dishonour
(4) Praise and blame
(Alexander Peck, 3rd September 3, 2021)

(Alexander Peck)