Background Sketch
This website was designed and produced by Alexander Peck. He first encountered the Buddhist Dharma a decade ago (in late 2011 and early 2012) during his retirement years.
Since that time, he has studied the Hinayana and Mahayana teachings. Presently he is pursuing Vajrayana Buddhist teachings through the Tergar Buddhist community (see under the direction of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche.
Now in his seventies, Alexander values his quieter and peaceful lifestyle with his wife, Eva, on the bay side of the city of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. He cherishes the opportunity to devote himself to Dharma practice, and sharing of insights via his writing and website creation.
A contact email address for Alexander is:
Alexander’s aspiration for this website is that for those visiting its pages, may they study, contemplate and meditate on the preciousness of the four potentially life-changing thoughts described on the website:
(1) Precious human birth;
(2) Impermanence and mortality;
(3) Karma — the consequences of karmic actions; and
(4) The disadvantages of the worldly life (samsara).
Alexander Peck (August 16, 2021)