Our Precious Human Rebirth
(1) Recognising the Opportune, Fortunate Rebirth
(2) Contemplating Its Great Value
(3) Contemplating on Its Rarity
Impermanence and Death
(1) Death Is Certain
(2) The Time of Death Is Uncertain
(3) At the Time of Death, Only the Dharma Can Help
(1) Certainty of Karma
(2) Magnification of Karma
(3) Not Experiencing Effects of Actions Not Done
(4) Non-Perishing of Effects of Actions Done
(1) Suffering of Suffering
(2) Suffering of Change
(3) All-Pervasive Suffering of Conditioning
(Alexander Peck, August 31, 2021

“Due to ignorance, craving, and becoming
In the worlds of men, gods, and the three inferior spheres,
The five realms revolve foolishly,
Like the turning of a potter’s wheel.”
Thinking about (1) the difficulty of obtaining the precious human life, (2) impermanence, (3) karma, and (4) suffering turns our minds toward Dharma and creates the urge toward a spiritual goal. That is why these verses are the instructions on turning our minds toward Dharma practice.
(Tulku Thondup, Enlightened Journey)